Thursday, March 27, 2014

The "Free Spirit"

Among the "growing up" I've been doing while becoming an adult, there is one constant phrase that comes into mind that I am trying to find the true meaning of: "Free Spirit". It's one that I've heard thousands of times in my life, yet the connotation was an image so unfamiliar that I could never relate to it personally. The free spirited woman I grew up imagining was the generic Woodstock hippie wanderer, not that I didn't like that image, I just could never find myself in that woman. As I wander Los Angeles (which I tend to do often, walking, driving, however I can), I like the feeling of being so singular in the universe.... and I've officially lost the attention of those who don't understand.... Ahh this is such a unique thought process and feeling that I'm not sure I will ever be able to explain it in such a post. What I've found is that those who get it, really get it, and those who don't, never will. I know those who get it, and they know I do, too. There is just an energy around those who really truly understand the free spirit feeling. This is such a complicated thing to have in my mind, but this is one among those topics constantly in my mind... the spirit, the matching energies with certain people. I can't be making this all up in my mind because I've had one conversation about it and I know others feel the same way.

This will be a process, discovering how to identify the energy and free spiritedness... I hope I never discover the source, but grow closer to it as I grow older. I just have to accept that sometimes I won't always be able to explain myself to the outside world.... outside of my own brain, that is. I do accept that, I want others to, as well.

This is such a mush of words and ideas, but let this be a visual interpretation of my own mind. This is what it is like in my brain.

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